Important information regarding the opening of Egg London

Egg London Re Opening

The excitement at Egg LDN has reached a crescendo, and we can’t wait to finally open our doors to you all again at 0.01 on Sunday night the 18th of July.

We will not be requiring any “Covid Certification” for entry, but the well being of our customers and staff is paramount to us, so we would encourage all our customers to take a lateral flow test before attending any of our events. (Home test kits are available FREE from the NHS, pharmacies or your local testing centre)

Should you test positive and can’t attend an event, please advice us in advance, and we will transfer your ticket to another event of your choosing once you’ve finished isolating.

Egg LDN has implemented measures with sanitation stations that are available throughout the club, mask wearing is optional but encouraged.

Egg LDN has always strived to create a safe-space for ALL our customers, and in light of recent events, we enforce a ZERO TOLERANCE to; racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ageism, body shaming, sexual harassment, violence or discrimination of any kind…RESPECT YOURSELF - RESPECT OTHERS.